IRON MAN 3: A very Downey birthday

May 15, 2013

Iron Man 3 officially opened on May 3, which was fitting not only because of the 3/3 symmetry but because it was my birthday, and I’ve been pretending for months that this movie was Robert Downey’s special gift for me. And because Mr. Webber and child hustled over to the cineplex that very afternoon, we were able to score some sweet opening-night seats.

So, why have I been sitting on this review for two weeks? The truth is I’ve been “processing” the movie, trying to decide if I liked it or not. Certainly it was thrilling and visually dazzling and fun to watch, but for some reason that doesn’t seem like the same thing as liking it. Allow me to explain. Despite the superb cast and the glorious special effects, the plot appears to have been plucked from a bargain-basement bin. It was so full of holes, you could fly a powered exoskeleton through it.

For some Marvel fans, like my syfy friend M.S., the plot problem was a deal-breaker. (He gave me a list of 26 reasons why it sucked – one for every letter of the alphabet.) For me, the film’s break-neck pace made it difficult to dwell on any one plot hole or derailed detail in the heat of the moment. Before you could say, “Jarvis, help me!” you were whisked away to the next major scene, unable to fully analyze the nonsense you just got through watching. It’s a testament to the film’s editing squad – and to Team Downey – that I walked out of the theater thinking that I might have just seen a good movie.

Iron Man 3 gets bonus points for starring Ben Kingsley as a warped thespian, and I love that Pepper Potts finally got a turn in the suit. But to say there was a lot of hand-wavium going on would be an understatement. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it does bear further scrutiny, and I’ve just about decided that I need to see it one more time before I pass judgment. Only thing is, I wouldn’t bother seeing it again if I didn’t like it, would I? And that must mean that deep down I really did like it. Yes, I did. I definitely liked it. I think.

See the trailer here.