HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS ~ PART 2: Harry signs off, and so do I

August 14, 2011

Hello, friends and fellow movie lovers! It was bound to happen sooner or later – that Harry Potter would have to say his final farewell. And this most memorable of movie occasions seems like a good time for me to take my leave as well. It’s been a great run, and great fun. I hope we’ll do it again sometime!

The Webbers saw HPDH2 on opening night, and it was “powerful good,” as my Granny used to say. The stunts, the spells, the secrets revealed – it was an exhilarating last ride, especially for those of us who never got around to reading the last book! I have only one suggestion for those who haven’t seen HPDH2 yet. Take a few hours and refresh your memory with HPDH1 first. This last one hits the ground running and doesn’t give you any time or backstory to catch up. Once you’re there, you just have to hang on!

I hope everyone knows by now that Harry Potter isn’t a kids’ franchise anymore – not since The Prisoner of Azkaban, by my estimation. In fact, on opening night of the final installment, our neighborhood theater was packed to the gills with grown-ups. We brought our daughter’s birthday party entourage with us, and they were practically the only kids in the whole theater. While the movie didn’t seem to scare them too much, it ended up giving me major nightmares (mostly about snakes). But it was still worth it, and I can’t wait to see it again.

Whether you love Harry or not, we owe author J.K. Rowling a huge debt of gratitude. She inspired our children to read books again. Big ones! With lots of words and lots of pages! What’s more, they are the best kind of books – books about magic and friendship and believing in yourself. What a gift she has given us! With the movie series now complete and so beautifully done, I hope it will continue to inspire children of all ages to read the books for themselves.

As for me, I have enjoyed writing every one of these movie reviews, and I am forever grateful to the small but sturdy contingent of loyal subscribers who made it all worthwhile. Go forth, mere mortals, and watch movies! I’ll be saving you a seat.

See the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ~ Part 2 here: